Marketing Partners

Please contact if you want to build the partnership with PolkaStation.

Incubators Partners - We recommend you hire an incubator to manage your marketing campaign, they will help you fill your presale easily (The higher the budget for marketing, the easier it will be to fill the presale). And it will save you a lot of money, time and avoid scammers.

Influencer Marketing (AMA, Calls). We recommend you hire an incubator to negotiate with influencers for a better price.

Tier 1 Channels

Tier 2 Channels

Local Groups (AMA, Calls)

Telegram Shill (Good results)

Telegram/Discord Management

Press Release on Yahoo, BloomBerg, Watch, Insider...

Billboards, Train and Bus Advertising

China, Korea, Japan Billboards

Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok Verification

Whitepaper & Pitch Deck Writer

CoinZilla Ads

Voice AMA Host

Buy Pressure Bot for Telegram

DEX MM Volume


Last updated